Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Vision & Mission


The English Letters Department of Universitas Sanata Dharma aspires to be an outstanding English Letters Department that contributes to the promotion of human dignity by combining academic excellence and humanistic values in a critical manner and by responding to a variety of linguistic, literary, and cultural phenomena.
The above vision of the English Letters Department has been formulated in light of the following considerations:
  1. language, literature, and culture as elements of global virtues are worth studying;
  2. (English) language, literature, and culture is essential to comprehending human nature as a whole;
  3. holistic human education must include education in humanity which encompasses language, literature, and culture;
  4. (English) language, literature, and culture are means of fostering cross-cultural understanding.


Based on the aforementioned vision, the English Letters Department has the following missions:
  1. To provide an education rooted in Ignatian Pedagogy that cultivates students' competence, conscience, and compassion;
  2. To enable students to integrate humanistic values and knowledge of (the English) language, literature, and culture from local, national, and global perspectives;
  3. To conduct research in (English) language, literature, and culture from local, national, and global perspectives;
  4. To support society in resolving issues with the English language, literature, and culture based on local, national, and global perspectives;
  5. To collaborate with external institutions to promote education, research, and community service at local, national, and international levels.
