Sastra Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma
Terakreditasi A Nomor 7345/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/XI/2020

Opening The Paradigm of Postcolonialism with Mr. Fajar’s "Poskolonialisme Dunia Baru: Paradigma dan Identitas"

Recently, Mr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji, better known as Mr. Fajar, wrote a book entitled “Poskolonialitas Dunia Baru: Paradigma dan Identitas”. Mr. Fajar said that he wrote the book as he wanted to focus on his interest in research. The reason why he wrote this book is because he wants to introduce a brand new material to new postcolonial readers and challenge readers, especially those who are interested in the subject of postcolonialism, to shed a light and insight of postcolonialism.
This book discusses postcolonialism from Caribbean and it is the New World’s postcolonialism. According to Mr. Fajar, the background of this book is because most people only understood Asian/African postcolonialism, meanwhile, for example, the Carribean people undergo their own postcolonialism which is different in its postcoloniality from the previous ones and went unnoticed. Besides emphasizing some characteristics of Caribbean postcolonialism, this book discusses two significant Caribbean’s postcolonialists: Derek Walcott and V.S. Naipaul. The two appeared to have won The Nobel Prize of Literature. Walcott won in 1999, and V.S. Naipaul in 2001. This book also delivers short studies on Walcott’s Omeros, an epic poem, and VS Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival, a novel. The two open the world of postcolonialism that there is also a new perspective of postcolonialism in Caribbean. If Asian/African postcolonialism avoids the existence of Western aspects, since it applies the strategy of “binary opposition” stating East versus West, Caribbean postcolonialism even accommodates the West’s aspect as one of the important aspects in its postcolonialism.  Furthermore, it also happened that Caribbean people came from many ancestors and it’s impossible to apply into its postcolonialism, an ancestor’s identity as the weapon to resist West or the colonizer.
According to Mr. Fajar, the benefit of reading this book is the readers may gain complete insight dealing with postcolonialism. Besides that, this book also shows how to discuss “a (long) poem,” which is in the form of epic, and “a novel,” which is in the genre of an autobiography. “Hopefully the book is helpful in opening the paradigm of postcolonialism.” He said.
If you are interested in reading this book, sadly this book is not yet ready to be distributed. Currently, this book’s copy-right belong to Penerbit USD, the copy-right owner will arrange everything dealing with its publication. “As the writer, I have no idea about the distribution. However, I’m sure before the end of this year, the book, together with the other new published books, readers can read the book.” Said Mr. Fajar.

Interviewer: Winda Amelia - 194214177
Writer: Michael Surya D.P – 194214167
Editor: Michael Tan - 194214132
